Bernardeschi to Juventus?

Federico Bernardeschi (29) decided to leave Juventus to go to the MLS, to Toronto. He did it as a free agent, without the ‘vecchia signora’ being able to obtain any income from his departure. A somewhat strange move for a player who was 28 years old at the time. In his presentation he argued “I chose to come to the MLS despite the fact that I had opportunities in Italy with many teams, and I feel very lucky about it, but in Italy, according to my point of view, I had finished a cycle. He had won everything that had to be won, including the European Championship with the national team.”

Toronto’s poor performance, an extra reason to return

With his arrival and Insigne’s in Toronto, the team changed its face. Both carried the responsibility of leading and scoring goals and the victories began to arrive. That was in 2022, the year in which he arrived in the middle of the year and scored 8 goals and gave 3 assists in 13 games. His involvement was maximum. In 2023 the film was very different, Toronto was the worst team in the MLS, with one defeat after another and with the Italians pointed out. In the case of the former Juve team, he was only able to convert five goals and give 4 assists in 31 matches, numbers far from what was

expected. The performance of the team, the criticism and its little contribution have made it want to open a new cycle in Italy.

Juventus, a real option

Although for Allegri it has never been a priority, the reality is that what weeks ago was a resounding no, now is a possibility. The reason is that Juventus is playing the championship one-on-one with Inter, with 46 points, two less than the Inter players. And to continue competing you need to keep the block or that the entrances are not worse than the exits. There, the name Bernardeschi appears marked in red, which has been offered for weeks. Kostic, a regular player in the left lane in the Italian coach’s elevens, has offers from Arabia and could leave. The player is seduced by the millions they can give him and Juventus needs to

Bernardeschi spent five seasons as a bianconero and knows the club well, so his adaptation would not be a problem, since he coincided with a large part of his teammates. The big doubt is his physical condition, since the MLS ended weeks ago and has not competed since the end of October. The positive part is that it would be a transfer, he would arrive wanting to eat the world and knowing that if he wants to be bought he has to do it well. In addition, in June, just around the corner, there is the always greedy European Championship, which if he returns to Europe he will want to compete to defend the crown that was won with the rest of the selected in an exciting final against England in the mythical Wembley.

Your numbers at Juventus

He arrived in 2017 from Fiorentina in exchange for 40 million. He played five seasons in Turin, playing more than 150 matches in which he scored twelve goals. Against Atlético in the Champions League, he made one of his best performances.

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